根据政策相关规定,北京研究院于20**********年2月就停止新注册了,如果想要一家北京医学研究院的话只能收购了,市面上转让北京医学研究院资源较少,所以想要北京医学研究院的老板还应尽早做好打算,以免错过时机,收购研究院的要求基本没有,只要是能够独立承担法律责任的自然人即可,其它并无特殊要求According to relevant policy regulations, Beijing research institute in 20 * * * * * * * * * * * * February to stop the new registration, if you want a Beijing medical research institute can only buy, the market transfer of Beijing medical research institute resources is less, so want to Beijing medical research institute boss should prepare as soon as possible to miss the opportunity, ac institute of basic no, as long as it is able to bear legal responsibility of natural person, the other no special re ************************************* The specific information of the medical research institutes currently to be transferred by our company is as follows: ① Beijing XX Tang Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Enterprise type: collective ownership Registered address: Changping Registration time: 20 * * * * * * 0 Company situation: the bank cancellation, no tax control, the address can be used for one year, the company is clean without abnormal
① 北京XX堂中医研究院