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北京中医研究院转让 医学研究院转让

**医学研究院转让 中医药研究院转让

北京中医研究院转让 医学研究院转让

中医是我国五千年人文科学的结晶,保护着五千年华夏文明生生不息,屹立世界。“健康中国”上升为国家战略,《中华人民共和国中医药法》已于201771日正式颁布实施,中医药产业面临巨大的发展机遇。习总书记强调指出:“中医药学是中国古代科学的瑰宝,也是打开中华文明宝库的钥匙。当前,中医药振兴发展迎来天时、地利、人和的大好时机,希望广大中医药工作者增强民族自信,勇攀医学高峰,深入发掘中医药宝库中的精华,充分发挥中医药的独特优势,推进中医药现代化,推动中医药走向世界,切实把中医药这一祖先留给我们的宝贵财富继承好、发展好、利用好,在建设健康中国、实现中国梦的伟大征程中谱写新的篇章。中医对人体的健康,提 倡预防为主的思想,强调防患于未然,重视平时保健调理,关注日常养生的思想至今仍弥足珍贵,传承这种理念,对于增强社会的中医药 共识大有裨益。 弘扬中医药传统医德。中医提倡的是“医为仁术”,强调一个“仁”字。“医为仁术”便是对一个合格医者的道德标准定义,它是中国古代 医学家对医学的定性,是对医学灵魂的高度概括。对于医者而言,所要求的就是对病患者要怀抱一颗仁心,设身处地为患者着想,与患者 的交流在充满爱的氛围中进行,而不是没有表情的程序化的诊治。“夫医者,非仁爱之士,不可托也;非聪明理达,不可任也;非廉洁纯 良,不可信也。”

Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Transfer Medical Academy transfer * * Medical Research Institute Transfer of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute transfer Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Transfer Medical Academy transfer Traditional Chinese medicine is the crystallization of the five thousand years of Chinese humanities, protecting the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, standing in the world."Healthy China" has been promoted as a national strategy. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Traditional Chinese Medicine has been officially promulgated and implemented on July 1,2017, and the TCM industry is facing great opportunities for development. General Secretary Xi stressed, " Traditional Chinese medicine is the treasure of ancient Chinese science and the key to open the treasure house of Chinese civilization. At present, the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine in the development, location, and time, hope the masses of Chinese medicine workers to enhance national confidence, scaling medical peak, explore the essence of Chinese medicine treasure, give full play to the unique advantages of Chinese medicine, promote the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, promote Chinese medicine worldwide, to the ancestors left our precious wealth inheritance, development, make good use of, in the construction of healthy China, realize the great journey of the Chinese dream to write a new chapter. TCM, for the health of human body, advocates the thought of prevention first, emphasizes prevention in the bud, pays attention to daily health care, and pays attention to daily health care is still precious. The inheritance of this concept is of great benefit to enhancing the social consensus of TCM. We will promote traditional TCM medical ethics. Traditional Chinese medicine advocates "medicine for benevolence", emphasizing the word "benevolence"."Medicine is benevolence" is the definition of the moral standard of a doctor. It is the definition of medicine by ancient Chinese medical scientists and a high generalization of the soul of medicine. For doctors, what is required is to embrace a kind heart for the patients, put themselves in the patient's shoes of them, and communicate with the patients in an atmosphere full of love, rather than a procedural diagnosis and treatment without expression."A good doctor is not a man of love, nor trustworthy; not wise nor honest; not honest, pure or untrustworthy.” Beijing xx Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Address: Chaoyang District Time: 2018




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